Join the Family!

Our board consists of five official members, but we are always looking for volunteers to help run the ship! Every year we need help with the Fall Festival, banquet, games, and much more. Without parental help or guidance, the team cannot function successfully.

For the 2024-2025 season, all Board positions have been filled but we will be losing our Boys VP after this season and Boys President as well as Girls VP after the 2025-2026 season. Please help the program out by volunteering to shadow these positions this year so you can help Coach Crane and Coach Booth out by taking the reins in 2025-2026!

  • Walk / ride in the parade or sign up to sell waters, snacks, and merch at our booth! Shifts are one hour long and we need two players and two parents to help work it.

  • Each game there are needs for volunteers to pick up meals, take tickets at the gate, and run the concession stand. We ask that each parent to sign up for at least one game per season.

    Sign up here for away game meal deliveries.

    Sign up here for duty stations

    Sign up here for home game meal volunteering.

  • The balloon arch and photographer are covered. We will need help corralling Senior parents to the far side of the field and lining them up in alphabetical order.

    • Alumni Game (Winter)

    • Boys vs Girls (Spring)

    • Banquet

    If you would like to help in any of these events, please reach out!